Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I enjoyed my stay in Wageningen very much and my life was completely different from what it used to be before. The town is small but when I lived there there used to be many students' bars, even though some of them might be already closed now. I lived in the students' building which was called Dijkgraaf and there was a pub called de Bunker just in front of it, but I didn't like this one because it was very noisy and crowded. I used to be a frequent visitor at Borney's bar at Bornsesteeg, but this bar was closed just after I left Wageningen. I met many international students there who used to live in this building, one time I joined the celebration of the Ethiopian millenium in September and I found a lot of new friends. I used to go to the International club too, but its disadvantage was that it was far away from Dijkgraaf and also it was opening after midningt, but the people started to gather there just after 1am. My life in Wageningen was very joyful as I used to go to the bars every evening and talk with many international students there.
When I arrived to Wageningen I found a new love there. It was a Dutch student, living in the same corridor as me, but after 4 months it was over between us. It was slightly unpleasant for me to live so close to him even after our love story was finished, but I decided to last out for the remaining time and I didn't move out of the building even though it was my intention at first. I stayed there till the end of June 2008 and then it was the end of the school year and I had to move back to the Czech Republic to finish my studies there. I was supposed to write my thesis for the Wageningen university in Prague but I was experiencing difficulties when I moved back to the Czech Republic.

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